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What is the Pamphlet:

The screening pamphlet aims to explain the purpose of each test, what to expect during the procedure and when you should start the specific screening method based on the most up-to-date guidelines. We also provide tips on how best to prepare for the test.

How to use:

The first section provides comprehensive information on the different screening tests based on current guidelines and recommendations. The second section of the pamphlet features a chart which allows you to keep track of your screening tests. By using the chart, you can stay organized and up-to-date with your screening schedule.


It is important to remember that screening is a personal choice and should always be taken with consideration to your goals and values, alongside medical recommendations. Before deciding on pursuing a test, you should carefully consider the risks and benefits. By working with your healthcare professional and making an informed decision, you can take control of your health and ultimately make the best choice for you.

Visit the For Patients section for more detailed information about each screening test.